Science tells us that we are all made up of the same matter, and in a spiritual sense, it can be said we’re all one. However, because of the many varieties and combinations of genes given to us by our parents, we’re all different, even twins. In fact, it can be said each one of us is actually unique.
Now if I’ve confused you it wasn’t my intention. I know the “we’re all one” thing and spirituality can be hard to accept for some people. But if we believe that something created life and the universe for a reason, like I try to do, it can help us feel more of a connection with one another.
Something else that can help us believe we are all one is our own ability to create. We all have the power to change our lives and ourselves for the better. I changed who I was for the better by changing my thought processes and my negative behaviors, and as a result, my life also improved.
It’s estimated that 50 percent of our genes are passed down from generation to generation, but we don’t have to be a product of our genes. Positive thinking and taking care of ourselves through diet and exercise can help us avoid any health problems our parents or grandparents may have.
We might not agree that we’re all one, even if science tells us we’re made up of the same stuff. But if there is a creator of some kind then it is possible to be different and unique, while still being all one.