I’ve found that trying to be a better person than I was before helped me to love myself, but there are times when I don’t like myself because of my behaviors toward someone or even the thoughts I have about them. Although it can seem natural to have angry and vindictive thoughts toward people who are mean or downright nasty to us, it’s not how I want to think. I believe in trying to grow spiritually and thoughts like that temporarily rob us of the peace and serenity we may have.
Fortunately, there haven’t been any recent incidences where someone treated me badly, and I can usually find humor in the lesser but ridiculous things people do that I find irritating. However, until I develop more spiritual growth, I’m not ashamed to say I still let people and certain things they do bother me and cause me to have thoughts I don’t like myself for thinking.
Here’s a list, basically written with humor, of the people I’m referring to.
1. Someone behind me at a stop light who has to blow their horn excessively only nanoseconds after the light turns green.
2. People who answer their phone and then tell you they were sleeping. Are they purposely trying to make you feel bad, and why do they have the phone where it will wake them up in the first place?
3. People who take their time leaving a parking space; knowing the whole time you’re waiting for the spot.
4. People who drive large vehicles but shouldn’t. They can’t seem to turn a corner, go over a bump, or park in under half an hour.
5. Boisterous people. It doesn’t matter where these types of people are. Even at the beach, their voices seem to carry over everyone else’s and even other sounds.
6. Impatient people who can’t wait in line for more than a minute without displaying some sort of emotional distress.
7. People who come close to having an emotional breakdown when their food order gets messed up.
8. Parents who allow their little ones to do almost anything, anywhere, anytime.
9. People who complain constantly. It can be about their health, the weather, or other people, but in most cases, it’s about everything.
10. Anyone who puts down another human being because of that person’s race, color, culture, social standing, economic status, or sexual preference. This is not being spiritual, nor is it displaying any personal growth.
As I said, this was mostly written in fun, but as far as the last thing on my list goes.
Although I can be tolerant and understanding toward people like that, I don’t have to be loving or kind. And even though I may not like myself for the thoughts I have about some people, I can say I love myself and I know I would help them become better people if asked.