“It can appear to others that we’re doing fine. That we’re all right. But inside we know differently. Sometimes life, for different reasons, leaves us feeling emotionally dead. We just don’t show it. Giving and receiving love can help. But it’s not always a cure. Sometimes we need something else. Sometimes we need something more. We need to have hopes and dreams. Ones that stir our imagination. Ones that awaken something inside of us. Something that tells us we’re on the right path in life, even when fear says differently. Along with love. Our hopes and dreams, whatever they may be, can make us feel emotionally alive again. Along with love. Our hopes and dreams can be the antidote we need to really be all right”

Thank you. I needed this today. So often we appear fine but inside are struggling.
You’re welcome Alisa. I see things I need to, as well on some days, and I like that. I also talk to someone I trust about how I’m feeling inside, especially if I’m really down or worried about something. However, I’m thankful to have a lot of good days and experiences to look back on too. They help remind me that things can and do get better. I hope this is true for you.
I really needed this again today. Thank you so much Darryl for all that you share!!
You’re welcome Sue. Something told me to share it again on Facebook. Glad I listened.