It All Equals Out In The End
Because of my fears and insecurities, I can remember feeling less than for a good part of my life and it was one of the reasons why I liked to drink so much. When I was drunk I could be whoever I wanted to be, and act however I wanted to act, without feeling the … Read more
Are AA’s Eleventh And Twelfth Traditions Outdated?
A few pages inside the AA book Twelve Steps And Twelve Traditions is the date of the first printing, which shows 1953. At the end of the book, it lists a general synopsis of the Traditions. The Eleventh Tradition states. “Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we need always maintain … Read more
Fear: The Root Of Our Unhappiness
Like me. A lot of people love lists. So I thought I’d share a list of some things that can help us face our fears and overcome them. 1. Hope. Having hope that things will be all right is perhaps the best way to begin the process of overcoming any fears that crop up in … Read more
A Quiet Confidence
Whether we’re aware of it or not, there are different levels of things we experience both in life and as a person. For instance. There are different levels of wealth or debt we occur. Different levels of happiness we experience. Different levels of love we feel for people. Different levels of faith one can have. … Read more