Lacking Something Inside

“It’s not someone’s political or religious views that are the problem. It’s how they feel about themselves inside. The mean and hateful way some people react to those who disagree with them is often the lack of self-love, low self-esteem, and deep-rooted insecurities. One tenet of spirituality-practicing love, kindness, understanding, and tolerance toward others seems … Read more

Our Journey Never Ends

For those of us who profess to be on a spiritual journey while here on Earth, no matter how well we think we’re doing, there can still be times when we behave in ways that are anything but spiritual. For example, just the other day I called to say hello to a good friend of … Read more

A Human Being Spiritual

At the end of the day, I am happy with who I am, because I know who I am. A human being who has learned how to practice love, kindness, understanding, and tolerance toward others and themselves. Or what I like to call, being spiritual. Now it can be hard to show any one of … Read more