Lacking Something Inside

“It’s not someone’s political or religious views that are the problem. It’s how they feel about themselves inside. The mean and hateful way some people react to those who disagree with them is often the lack of self-love, low self-esteem, and deep-rooted insecurities. One tenet of spirituality, practicing love, kindness, understanding, and tolerance toward others, … Read more

You Can’t Get There From Here

In 1997, I was just over a year sober and would enter one of the worst times in my sobriety. Due to an event that included exercise and me believing I had a heart attack, which I didn’t, I would go through a mild, but almost debilitating depression and have my first anxiety attack. However, … Read more

How Spiritual Growth Enabled Me to Love Myself

This is from chapter 8 of my book, Facing Our Fears. I’m coming up on 25 years of continuous sobriety next month and it was good reading this again. It showed me where I was spiritually and emotionally back then. But several years later I would eventually figure out the whole Julia Roberts thing and … Read more

An Experienced Path

“The path of recovery, whether it be from mental illness, addiction, or both. Cannot be measured by time, but it can be measured by our experiences. The triumphs we have that give us greater self-confidence. The love for ourselves that we develop along the way. The failures that provide us a chance to learn and … Read more