That’s A Good Sign
I’m not religious. But I do ask for signs that something created life and the universe for a reason when I need to. They may not come right away, and some signs are more subtle than others. But they sustain me in times when my old enemy fear shows up and causes unhappiness in my … Read more
Peace Of Mind
“I’m sure that my belief in some kind of god is different from many others. To be honest, there are days when I’m not sure what to believe. However, since the result of prayer has been peace of mind for many, including myself. I see no reason to stop asking whatever god there may be … Read more
A Stronger Person Than We Were Before
“Fear can be our friend, or it can be our enemy. It just depends on how we handle it. Reassuring self-talk is my go-to method to help me feel better whenever I’m fearful, and I often find comfort in talking with others about how I’m feeling. But hope and belief is an important parts of … Read more
Setbacks And Plateaus Give Us A Chance To Grow
No matter how positive we try to be in life or what our beliefs are, we can still experience setbacks at times. A setback can be defined as an unanticipated or sudden check in progress; a change from better to worse. Some setbacks that come to mind are ones in our health, our finances, and … Read more
Feeling Good About Ourselves Even When We Don’t
I saw this little piece of paper the other day, fitted neatly in the bottom right corner of my overhead kitchen cabinet door that I hadn’t noticed before, and the experience I had as a result of reading the words on it inspired me to write this post. As I said, I hadn’t noticed it … Read more