self love
Looking Out The Door
I love the mornings when I have nothing to do that day except take the dog for a walk. I’m off work, away from my job of helping people with addictions and mental health issues, and relaxed. A job that, although I love most days, practicing self-care is a much-needed component. I have learned how … Read more
Happy Living Sober
I’m 28 years sober today. It was never about not drinking again. It was about living again. Living a life of spiritual, personal, and emotional growth. I have experienced my share of ups and downs. And I faced a lot of fears. But I found true happiness along the way. I define true happiness as … Read more
Help Is On Its Way
The problem isn’t that we believe the negative and self-loathing thoughts we have about ourselves. The problem is that we won’t stop believing them without help. But if we are to live a life of self-love and greater self-confidence. We must change those thoughts and the self-defeating behaviors that are often a result. Asking for … Read more