It All Equals Out In The End

Because of my fears and insecurities, I can remember feeling less than for a good part of my life and it was one of the reasons why I liked to drink so much. When I was drunk I could be whoever I wanted to be, and act however I wanted to act, without feeling the … Read more

The Greatest Love of All

I was fifteen years old when I first fell in love with a boxer named Muhammad Ali. I know that might sound strange, but I assure you, I’m not the only one that loves the man who was once The Heavyweight Champion of the World. He has, however, always been much more than just a … Read more

Creating Our Path

Some people believe we’re put on a path at birth that leads to our destiny, and while I try to believe we are here for a reason, I also know I had something to do with creating my path in life, especially in my sobriety. Many books have been written about having the power to create … Read more

A Simple Thought on Changing the World

“One way to change the world and make it a better place is to change what we think about ourselves and others. When we love and understand ourselves, we become much happier with who we are. When we try to love and understand others, we can all get along better. And when we’re happy with who we … Read more