I’m Complaining For Your Own Welfare

“To me helping the poor has nothing to do with supporting a welfare state. Sure some people take advantage of free government programs designed to help those in need. And yes it can be said that a form of dependency on these programs has been created. But when you get right down to it there … Read more

Some Of Us Have A Right To Be Angry

I have written things out of anger before on my blog, and this post is no exception. However, just like before, it’s not a seething or hate-filled anger but a passion-filled one. The type of anger I wish more people would feel. After hearing about yet another incident where an angry white police officer pulled … Read more

Stuck In The Middle With You

I believe what could help ease racial tensions in America is for people of all races to come together and say—we’re not racist or prejudiced in any way; we’re simply tired of always hearing about race and division in this country. I also believe we should start using the word discrimination less when it comes … Read more

When A Tweet Was A Sound A Bird Made

Tweet! Does a bird come to mind when you see this word, or do you immediately think of social media? Personally, my mind goes right to Twitter. But even though I tweet. Get on Facebook a lot. And use other forms of social media now and then. At 55 years old, I can honestly say … Read more

Hatred Fueled By The Media

I believe the news media has a hidden agenda when reporting the news. They try to fuel any fires that may burn in some people’s bellies, mainly to obtain higher ratings. Fires that began for one reason or another, but are somewhat contained until the uncaring media comes along and stokes them. Once fully ablaze, … Read more