America The Beautiful?

My great-great-grandmother, shown in the picture, was pure Cherokee Indian. And I’m proud of that. I’m unsure if she learned to speak English, but I wouldn’t care if she didn’t as it wasn’t her native tongue. The keyword to remember here is native; being a member of the original inhabitants of a particular place. However, … Read more

No More Shame: Heroic Stories Of Recovery

I recently added my story to a wonderful website called Heroes In Recovery. Please take the time to click on the name and look around. The information and stories you will find give hope and inspiration to people in recovery, and to their families, and helps break the shame and stigma surrounding addiction. I encourage … Read more

Life After Death

Losing a parent when we’re in our fifties seems much more natural than losing one when we’re young, but being older can make us contemplate our own mortality. Of course, losing anyone we love can be devastating, and in some cases, be very hard to overcome the grief we feel. But I am fortunate to … Read more

It All Equals Out In The End

Because of my fears and insecurities, I can remember feeling less than for a good part of my life and it was one of the reasons why I liked to drink so much. When I was drunk I could be whoever I wanted to be, and act however I wanted to act, without feeling the … Read more

I’m Standing My Ground On This

“I rather have my house robbed, than have someone with a gun watch my neighborhood. And I, especially, rather have it robbed, than hearing of a teenager losing their life simply for standing their ground.” ~Darryl Duke That quote may have been written out of anger over a recent sensationalized shooting of a teenager because … Read more