Are AA’s Eleventh And Twelfth Traditions Outdated?

A few pages inside the AA book Twelve Steps And Twelve Traditions is the date of the first printing, which shows 1953. At the end of the book, it lists a general synopsis of the Traditions. The Eleventh Tradition states. “Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we need always maintain … Read more

Getting To The Bottom Of Addiction

I’m sure many of you have heard someone playing an alcoholic or addict in a movie or TV show says “I needed to hit rock bottom before I could stop using.” I heard people say this in some of the Alcoholics Anonymous meetings I used to attend. Some would share how they lost their families … Read more

What Does Dr. Phil Know?

Before I get into the reason why I, who proclaims we should try to practice more love, kindness, understanding, and tolerance towards others, am writing a critical post about Dr. Phil, let me say a few good things about him. First. I like him as a person. He is educated and seems knowledgeable about many … Read more

My Impression Of Depression

In an earlier post called. “Depression Ain’t It A Bitch.” I wrote about my experience with a minor depression I went through. However, I don’t pretend to be an expert on the subject. I simply love people and hold those suffering from depression near and dear to my heart. Millions of people suffer from depression, … Read more

Thoughts I Don’t Like Myself For Thinking

I’ve found that trying to be a better person than I was before helped me to love myself, but there are times when I don’t like myself because of my behaviors toward someone or even the thoughts I have about them. Although it can seem natural to have angry and vindictive thoughts toward people who … Read more